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News you can use for better health and wellbeing

New study shows multivitamins may slow cognitive decline by 60%

We all hope to retain good mental capacity as we age and now a new study suggests that multivitamins may be part of the key to ageing well cognitively.

The first of its kind, the  COSMOS-Mind study, co-authored by researchers from Harvard School of Medicine, appears to provide quality evidence on the benefits of long-term multivitamin use on cognitive function….

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Could Robotic Drug Capsules Soon Replace Injections?

In what could be a game-changer for diabetics and others receiving regular injections, scientists from MIT are investigating the possibility of delivering medicine straight to the blood stream via ‘burrowing’ nano-robotic medication.

Up until this point, diabetics have not had an alternative to insulin injections – a daily and unpleasant chore. However these injections may become a thing of the past with the realisation of orally consumable insulin, an idea that has confounded researchers for years….

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Crushing medication can be dangerous – here’s why

When pills are hard to swallow, many people resort to crushing their medication and adding it to a food or drink, without a second thought. This is a common practice when administering medication to very small children and also the elderly who have trouble swallowing large tablets. At face value it seems like a good solution, however there are many reasons why crushing medication may be doing more harm than good – here’s why:

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Study finds pain has unexpected health benefits for our gut

In a study hat could overhaul the way we approach pain management, researchers from Harvard Medical School have found evidence that pain is necessary, when inflammation occurs, to trigger a bodily response that helps protect the microbial composition of the gut….

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