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Our NCC Newsletter has just arrived!


News you can use for better health and wellbeing

Are Vitamins Money Down the Toilet?
New Study Has the Answer

Some people swear by them and some say they’re money down the toilet – do vitamin supplements actually make a difference to our health, or can we get everything we need from our diet?

A joint U.S./Swiss review conducted in 2020 set about answering this question. The review looked at whether current recommended daily allowances were high enough to support good immune function…

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Migraine Treatments That Don’t Involve Drugs

People who suffer from migraines understand how debilitating the condition can be. What starts out as fuzzy vision and a background throb quickly escalates into a merciless storm of pain. It renders you sightless, helpless and desperate. There’s drugs you can take of course, but sometimes they don’t work and sometimes the disease is preferable to the cure….

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Do vaginal suppositories work for vaginal yeast infections? 

A vaginal yeast infection, also known as candidiasis, is itchy, uncomfortable and altogether unpleasant for any woman unfortunate enough to suffer from the ailment. The condition is treatable with no long-lasting effects, however some women may have to try several different medications or remedies before finding one that works….

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New Research Links Poor Sleep to       Chronic Mental Health Issues

Bad sleep can turn you into a grumpier, less productive, somewhat dishevelled version of yourself.  Nothing that a double espresso won’t fix, right?
Perhaps not. The extent sleep’s role plays in our functionality could be much more significant than previously thought…

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